Thursday, July 7, 2011


If you have a Twitter account and don't already follow @arkhamcitynews, you definitely should. It's the official Twitter account for "Batman: Arkham City." They haven't done a whole lot of viral marketing for this game, but some strange things are happening on Twitter recently. Take a look at their most recent posts:
Notice anything interesting about some of their more recent posts? If it's difficult to read, I'll reproduce them here. The one all the way at the bottom of the list pictured above says, "LOtss of InSight into the dEv t3am at ROCksteadY thIs w33k. St4y tUneD!" Closer to the top, another tweet reads, "I have another developer q&A waiting in The wiNgs. Do you wAnt to hear from a charaCTer artist or an animator?"

Do you see what I am seeing? Some of the letters, at random it seems, are capitalized while others have been turned into numbers. This all started about 21 hours ago, but so far I can't figure out if they are trying to tell us something or if they just let the monkey type their tweets again. On Arkham City's main website, several followers are discussing what this secret code could mean. Luke, one of the contributors to the forum, broke down a few of their tweets. Here is what he had to say:
Apparently, some Arkham City video is supposed to debut during ComicCon (the end of this month). Maybe this has to do with that? Or maybe it is a character reveal? Who knows. Stay tuned as I find out more.

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